Sunday, August 22, 2010

Innovation & Commandite au RDV Commandite du 20 octobre 2010

Je serai présent avec une revue des meilleures pratiques et innovations mondiales.

Données, tendances et perspectives de l’industrie : Comment innover dans ses commandites ?

Dans cette phase de post-récession, la commandite se redessine et se métamorphose. Comment en tirer le plein potentiel ? Le succès découlera de la capacité des commanditaires à se réinventer et à innover.

Simon Cazelais nous proposera un tour d’horizon inspirant des meilleures pratiques internationales en commandite.

> Quelles sont les tendances en commandite et en marketing événementiel ?
> Quelles sont les meilleures pratiques et innovations provenant de l’étranger ?
> Quelles sont les facteurs qui influenceront la performance des programmes de commandite dans les prochaines années ?
> Que réserve l’avenir pour la commandite ?

Pour vous inscrire, Infopresse.

Sponsorship & Emotion = My Conference in TO

Counting the Ways: Maximizing the Emotional Impact of Sponsorship Programs ( at the Canadian Sponsorship Summit)

Sponsorship is about building an emotional connection with the consumer – it always has been. It’s what
sponsors aim for when they analyze opportunities.

Activations should be designed to generate emotions, not impressions. The intangible is more important
than the tangible. The future of sponsorship is about one overarching theme: Brand Related Emotions.
Brand Related Emotions represent the fundamentals of sponsorship: the emotion, the net impact, the
implanted memories a brand wishes to create at and after a cherished event.

Just think about your last visit to a hockey game, a musical performance, a festival. Do you have any
brand recollection? Did you experience a unique moment filled with emotion? Those are the moments
that brands must identify and use to establish connections with consumers.
Based on recent research, Simon will demonstrate how Brand Related Emotions can help sponsors:
1) Strengthen their sponsorship programs by identifying the clear path to emotional connection
using such simple techniques as the E Index and sponsorship activation mapping; and
2) Base their strategies on emotional consideration and not on brand impressions using the
Dashboard approach – the Sponsorship Insight Model, which links every action to the desired
result, tangible or intangible.